The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) North Central Zone in collaboration with Benue state Emergency Management Agency ( BESEMA) on thursday 15th August 2024, organized a Stakeholders workshop on proper waste management and Flood preparedness in makurdi, Benue state.
Declaring the workshop open, the Director General of the agency Mrs. Zubaida Umar said following the Annual Flood Outlook by the Nigerian Hydrological Services Agency (NIHSA) and the 2024 Seasonal Climate Predication by the Nigeria Metrological Agency (NIMET), that some Local Government Areas in the North Central states (including Benue) are on high probable risk of flooding, therefore it was of importance that all hands must be on deck in order to proffer mitigation measures.

The DG who was represented by the North Central Zonal Coordinator Mr Eugene Nyelong added that one of the important ways of flood mitigation was Proper Waste Management which the workshop was aimed at addressing. She said production of waste was increasing at an alarming rate, which does not only pose environmental risk but also economic and social challenges through its negative impact. Zubaida stressed further that Waste Management was an issue that touches every aspect of our lives, from the waste we produce at home to the industrial waste generated, how we handle this waste has significant implication for our health, our communities and our planet at large.

The DG further noted that Improper waste management can lead to pollution, health hazards and the depletion of natural resources, while effective waste management can conserver resources, protect public health and prevent further degradation of the eco system serving as a deterrent to climate change.
She noted further that workshop was also aimed to address these critical issues and will also delve into the principles of waste reduction, re-use, and re-cycling.
The director general concluded by urging participants at the workshop to remember that the action they take today in managing waste will have a lasting impact on our future generation, and commit to bepart of the solution, to innovating, educating and working together towards a cleaner, healthier, and more suitable environment.
The the two days proper waste management and Flood preparedness program in Benue state started Wednesday 14th August 2024 with a radio program (phone in program) in Rodio Benue where the Zonal Coordinator Mr Eugene Nyelong and the DG of Benue State Environmental Sanitation Agency ( BESEMA) Mrs Daniel Nnashima Jennifer. The program was meant to enlighten and sensitise the communities and LGAs at risk of flooding according to the NIMIT Prediction.

The radio program was followed by advocacy/ sensitization visits to major stakeholders in disaster management in the state, while lectures and fliers on proper waste management and Flood preparedness where distributed to the management and traders of Wuruku market

In his closing remarks at the workshop, the Executive Secretary of Benue state Emergency Management Agency (BESEMA) Sir James Jehide appreciated NEMA for organizing the workshop and noted the workshop would to a long way in educating the LGAs/ communities at risk of the flooding. The ES who was represented by Mr James Dohina (principal Aid to the ES) promised that the agency would continue to maintain the existing collaboration between BESEMA and NEMA and noted that Benue state has benefited many times from NEMA even before the 2012 flood incidence that ravaged the state.

The papers presented at the workshop included: waste management and Food Control; The sustainable Plan for Benue by Mrs Daniel Nnashima Jennifer from Benue state Environmental Sanitation Agency (BESEMA) and ‘the Need for Effective Waste Management Policies by S.C BENUE Daniel from National Environmental Standard and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA).
The workshop which took place at Benue Metropolitan Hotel Makurdi had participants from the Police, Civill Defense, Red Cross, FRSC Community leaders from the flood prone communities among others.